Babies: a very nice way to start people

One of our little ones having a first bath (you win 47 bonus points if
you can guess which child this is).
 At the moment life seems to be flooded with babies (and what an adorable flood it is) and for once, I am not directly involved in the deluge (I have taken lots of teasing -- some nice, some not so much -- over the years about our river of little ones.  Six babies in 10 years will do that to you...but you develop a thick skin and a gigantic smile as well).

I have an adorable friend who just had a little girl after struggling for years with infertility.  It has been  incredible to watch that little family develop.

Also, the relief society president of our ward (who I get to work with, and I tell you, she is amazing) is expecting.  Since I see her a lot I get to watch first hand as she blooms.  She will be a wonderful mom.

I also have two sisters-in-law that are expecting.  Paula is percolating with baby #3, which is also her first boy.  We (her sisters-in-law) just threw a baby shower for her last week that was a lot of fun.  Heather and Jenny (my other two Whitmer bonus sisters) were in charge of the food, so we ate really well.  It is common knowledge that cooking is not my strong suit so I was assigned to prep fabulous shower games (I'm not sure that is my strong suit either, but I had to help somehow!).  Aubrey helped me with the games, which went well.  Aubs was thrilled to be able to attend the shower, even though she did get a bit bored with all the "grown up" chatter that she felt went on and on forever.  Poor kid.

Thankfully, Paula ended up with oodles of loot to prep for her little boy.  Since everything she and Brian own is pink and fluffy I think the baby is probably grateful for that too.  It will be fun to get to know him when he makes his entrance.

Also, Josh's brother and his wife are expecting.  This is their first and they are preparing for a sweet little girl. They live out of state so we don't get a close-up view of this princess's growth, but we still love her to pieces.  We will have the chance to celebrate this little one in a few weeks when mom and baby (still happily snuggled in mom's tummy) come to Utah for a shower.  It will be fun.

While I was never a person who enjoyed being pregnant (throwing up, heart burn, cramps, gestational diabetes and on and on...what's there to enjoy) I fell so deeply in love with every one of my little sprites from the moment they tickled my tummy that I can't help but smile when I see anyone prepping to plunge into parenthood.   

Being a mom is the BEST! 

This is the part where I would normally insert some snide comment about "except for poopy diapers or early morning feedings or too much laundry" but that is all part of the deal and the devotion to these tiny people that drives you to do those things time after time is built on all of those moments.

It is so much fun to welcome new people to the world.

(Here is a glimpse of a bit of the growth of our little family).






Being a mommy IS the best :) The long nights and not ever getting a shower can be draining but I wouldn't trade it for anything
Corinne said…
I have a lot to say about this subject, we should talk in person one day :)

I love that you don't feel ashamed for how you and Josh chose to have your family. There is absolutely no reason for you to. I think you've got the right attitude, just put your smile on and pity their ignorance ;)

As one of six myself, I KNOW how great it is (especially as you get older, I won't lie that the teen years were ugly sometimes!) I even have two older half sisters which makes 8 total and I tell you, when we get together? FUN TIMES. Let the chaos reign :)

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