Totally Totem

 This week we have been all about totem poles.  Once upon a time a sweet little lady from my ward named Bertha gave me a box of fun kids stuff.  In it was a big book of totem pole pictures that you could cut out and glue together and color. 

I pulled those books out this week and the kids have gone crazy. 

It has been so much fun to watch them.  The book not only has pictures but it also has teaching sections about what each totem is supposed to represent or what it will protect our "tribe" from.

 So we have cut and colored and pasted and now we have a house full of awesome artwork that will also protect us from evil spirits and angry dead people and bears and all sorts of other things.

Logan was so proud of his totem that he hung it up in the living room instead of on his bedroom door like the other kids had done.  Well that idea took off like wildfire and now our living room has a beautiful Native American tribute and should be fairly ghost free as well.
We only had one minor mishap.  Bryce cut and pasted his totem together, but then he left it on the living room table all day so Ellie decided to help out and she colored it for him.  He wasn't very pleased, but hey, that's what happens when you leave your stuff out.

Who knew totem poles could be this much fun?


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