Ups and Downs With the Baby Girl

Ellie has had a pretty big week (at least for a two year old).

On Monday morning she woke up like any other day and played and laughed and all that good stuff.  However, when I went to put her shoes and socks on, this is what I found on her feet.  (Lovely, right.)

Well, I vaguely recalled that my mom had mentioned that hand, foot and mouth disease had been going around at her daycare.  So I checked out the hands of my princess and found this.

She had fewer sores on her hands, but they were still there.  Super fun.  Thankfully, the blisters really didn't bother her much.  That was a nice little treat.  We have had hand, foot and mouth before, but last time around (when ALL six kids took turns with it) the nasty part was that everyone got canker sores (big, ugly ones) in their mouths.  This time around Ellie did get a vague sort of rash around the outside of her mouth, but nothing else. 

Poor kid, she had had a slight fever about a week before she broke out in blisters, but because she is also working on getting teeth and she didn't have any other symptoms we really didn't think anything of it.  I hope we didn't inadvertently spread this all over before we found out we had it.  I'm really sorry if we accidentally gave it to your family. 

Thankfully, none of the other kids seem to have this illness yet (knock on wood).  Ellie is currently covered in bandaids because she wants to cover up her "swords" (that's two year old for sores).  Silly little girl.

On a happier note, this week Ellie got new bedding for her bed and she is THRILLED about that.  One of our awesome neighbors (who, by the way, has showered us with hand me downs for years and we LOVE it!) brought over this adorable lady bug bedroom set that Ellie immediately fell in love with.

The incredible part to me is that Ellie's old comforter (which was a hand me down to us when Aubrey was two years old so it had served our family faithfully for many years) was starting to feel the strain of years of dedicated use.  The fabric was sort of falling apart and had developed tiny little holes all over it from wash after wash after wash.  I had been watching the secondhand store and the clearance racks for a new comforter for Ellie for a few weeks so I feel very blessed that this set wandered its way into our household (you simply cannot convince me that God doesn't know our needs and will bless us with them in His time). 

Once we we got Ellie's bed all put together, she invited everyone to climb on and wrestle.  It was very sweet.  I just love that little girl.  She's had an interesting week.


Corinne said…
Um, that picture of Josh on the bed with all your kids, so crazy happy - it made my day :)

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