Lovin' me some love stories (but don't tell anybody)
We've already established that I am addicted to reading. I love books. I love their smell and their velvety pages and all that. I won't bore you by going over it all again, but Josh's only real jealousy is not with something tall, dark and handsome it is with something paperback (actually I love hard cover too, I'm just making a point).
Well, this past couple of months has been soccer season. Since Josh is an assistant soccer coach that means he has been gone. A lot. Practice and games and parent meetings and all that have taken him away from me. So I've been lonely. So I've plunged into my second true love.
And since I have been without my parental partner and have been crazy busy doing all the grown up jobs, I have needed books that are not especially taxing to my already thinning brain.
So I picked up a couple of Melanie Jacobson novels at the library (on one of the trips where the kids JUST COULDN'T WAIT to pick up the stories they put on hold).
I am actually not normally a romance reader. It just isn't really my thing. I don't love cheesy, dorky love stories for the most part. But somehow, I get sucked into these. I know they are not high brow literature with intense depth and deep meaning, but I like them anyway.
I love that the main characters remind me of me (although, to be honest, reading them all in a short span made it obvious how nearly identical each of the heroines is). I was a total dork on the dating scene (who am I kidding, I am a total dork on whatever scene) and Josh did have to hunt me down and plod through my tundra of uncertainty and doubt before he won me over.
The banter in these books is delicious. I love it. I enjoy the characters and just get lost in reading them. They are great.
Along the same lines, these (below) are the books that got me through soccer season last year. (What does it say about me that I read drippy romance novels when my husband is absent for long stretches?)
Sarah Eden is one of my favorites. Her books have been passed around my extended family to the delight of each sister-in-law (and, let's be honest, my brothers don't mind the bonus kisses from wives all giddy on love stories). We all love them. I got to meet Sarah Eden earlier this year and I think she is adorable so that makes me love her books even more. Her books are all set in the Regency era and the witty repartee between characters is absolutely addictive.
Sarah Eden has one other book called "Courting Miss Lancaster" and I love that one too, but I don't own it...sad. Someday Aubrey will be very grateful that I have these on hand. |
I just really don't think there are many things better than a good book. I love getting lost in the world of written words. I love letting my mind run untamed over phrases and descriptions and impossible situations. I love having an amazing adventure without even having to leave my living room (because, lets face it, if I left my living room I would have six little sprites in tow which definitely changes things up).
There are only 11 months until soccer season starts next year. I hope these smooth writing ladies are working on something that will get me through the next round.
There are only 11 months until soccer season starts next year. I hope these smooth writing ladies are working on something that will get me through the next round.