Happy Gummy Worm Day!

Yesterday, our doorbell rang early in the day.
We were in the kitchen painting (which is a story for another day). 
When we got to the door we found this on the step.

Who knew it was National Gummy Worm Day!
We instantly fell in love with this three pound gummy worm.
He is beautiful...and also tasty.

So, our children have been eating him segment by segment (they would just plain dive in but their mother is not thrilled with the idea of that much sugar in one sitting). 

(Thanks Brian and Paula for totally making our day wormy!  We love you guys -- with or without the worms.)


That is the most disgusting thing I have seen in a while. It looks like the old centipedes we used to catch when I was a boy. Glad he tasted better than he looks.

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