The baby Whitmer ties the knot

Last night we celebrated the wedding of my tiny baby brother, Joel, to his adorable sweetheart, Paula (for those keeping track that is Paula number two for our family...two Joshs, two Paulas, we like to double up on good things).

It was a lovely evening to celebrate a fabulous event.  We are so grateful for our family.

Here's some of the fun!

Flower girls

Aunt Heather pretties Ellie up for the big event


Flower girl fun

A bunch of our boys

Grandpa and Becca

My cutie pie oldest younger brother and his wife and son

Say cheese!

Rock, paper, scissors with the girls...they had sooooo much fun together

Awwww, brothers.

Here comes the groom (doesn't he look dapper).

Parents...yes, folks, she's already crying.  She's like that.

The main event!

Dork dad (love you)


My first family.

The very good looking and very happy couple (and their parents).
One handsome lad.

flower girl selfie.

flower girl not selfie


Um...I don't know...Gavin and cousin Jake

Hugging the plant

So pretty


Ellie and Bryce tearin' it up

Congratulations Joel and Paula.  Our family is absolutely thrilled to watch you begin to build your family.  We love you both and wish you the very best happily ever after.


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