Veterans Day at the elementary

Today our elementary school did a program to honor veterans and it was wonderful.  Those who planned and prepared the program really put a lot of effort into making it a meaningful event and it turned out really great.

I was grateful that a couple of my small people got to be part of it.

Parker, my eleven year old, lead the flag ceremony which was very nice.

(Yes, I know his uniform is not on right, he
had already started taking things off when I
asked him to let me take a quick picture so he
threw his sash back on and I snapped a shot before
either of us noticed the issue.)
And then Aubrey (and several other alumni from the elementary) performed a couple of songs.  This one in particular honored the veterans who attended the event.  The school had set aside a specific area for those who had served in the military and it was great to see so many students with family in that group.  It was a really nice event.


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