Harry Potter Drama
Last night we watched "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" as a family. We just finished the book the other night, and we let the kids see the movies after we have read the books. Our kids can be a little bit timid, so we weren't sure how they would handle this movie so we actually put off reading it for a while until they were a bit older.
Well, after the show, Aubrey nervously asked her dad to hurry up and tuck her in (she was a bit concerned about the dementors) and Gavin told me he was too scared to go to bed. He wanted to sleep wherever I was going to be (the kitchen table since I would be cleaning up there).
And so, we sent Gavin up to have a "sleep party" (that's what our kids call it) in Aubrey's room. He walked into her room and told her he was scared. She scooped him up, tucked him into bed by her, gave him a stuffed animal, and started to read him a story. She was too busy taking care of him to be scared herself anymore, and he felt a lot better being with her. It was very sweet. Josh tucked them in, and ten minutes later when I went up to check on them, they were both fast asleep.

As a mom I cannot get enough of this sort of thing. I love to see my kids taking care of each other and worrying about each other's feelings. It helps compensate for the times they try to tear each other's faces off. It is just so beautiful to see little people acting like our Savior. What a great parental payday.
Also, on Friday we bought Josh a new pair of shoes. He and I do not have the same style...at all!!!
(He is such a preppy).
Anyway, Aubrey saw the shoes we had bought and I asked her what she thought of them. She said she LOOOOVED them, but that she didn't think her dad would like them. I asked her why and she said they were too cool, they just weren't Daddy's style. I smiled that she knows her dad so well.
However, he does like these. Maybe hanging out with high school kids all day has rubbed off on him a bit.
What's wrong with Josh's shoes. they look fine to me!! Maybe cause they are what I see every day at school. :)