Not My Favorite Week Ever

This is one of those weeks.
Logan has pneumonia.
Last week he had an ear infection.
Then he got RSV which blossomed into pneumonia.
Ellie has bilateral ear infections (code for pus in both of her ears...poor thing).
She also has RSV.
She is still smiling and happy.
The doctor was impressed with that.
Many babies her age end up in the hospital...I feel blessed.
Other than the raspy voice, you would not guess she is sick.
Except that she isn't eating very well...
and so...
I have a breast infection.
It makes my skin hurt.
I hate that.
Our fridge is like a pharmacy.
I am looking forward to next week.
Probably not a good week to come for a visit...we may infect you too. Who knows, maybe even our blog has a virus (just kidding).


I'm sorry! That is no fun :( Hope you and all of your littles get feeling better
Daley Family said…
Bummer! I know exactly how you feel. Hopefully everyone gets feeling better soon :)
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