Proud to be an American

I love this country. I am grateful to be a citizen of the United States of America. I believe in freedom and the beauty of a government run by the people, for the people. I have NEVER missed an opportunity to vote. I do not understand people who take no interest at all in the government that manages the nation they live in. I think it is lazy and irresponsible to trust everyone else to make those decisions for you (sorry for any who feel insulted by that). I realize that my one vote will not change the world, but the one vote of thousands and millions of people, one by one, will make all the difference. Just like my small life can shape my home and community, my small interest and action on behalf of myself and my children can help to shape my nation.

The current direction of political tides causes me deep concern. I am concerned for the stability of our government, I am concerned for the future my children will face. If the people of this country sit back and do nothing, if we quietly go along thinking all is well, where will we end up? I am far from an extremist, but I am more than willing to do my part to make my voice heard. I hope that you will do the same.

FYI, those in my caucus (the most grass roots form of shaping government) meeting tonight 7:00 pm at Monticello Academy 2782 S. 4800 W.


Hurray for my activist daughter. Go get 'em girl. Maybe you should run for governor!!!

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