Mother's Day
Happy Belated Mother's Day everyone!
Hope it was a wonderful day for all of you mothers out there.
It was a crazy weekend here at our house.
My mother's day present was having my shed painted. It has needed to be done for a reeeeeeealy long time.
I started it once upon a time when I was pregnant...however after two hours of painting in the hot sun I hadn't quite finished one side, so I decided that was enough.
Thankfully, this weekend, my family all volunteered to come and help.
We had the whole thing done in less than an hour and I was super grateful. It is awesome to have a family that is so willing to help.

Then, on Sunday, I got to speak in church.
Not my idea of a fabulous way to spend the morning.
However, it's not like speaking on mother's day is any worse than speaking any other time (at least to me) so I guess that is just how it goes.
Someone had to do it.
Thankfully, it is over. Hooray!
We drove to Ogden and then back to West Valley to visit our moms and ended the day by talking to my brother, Joel, who is currently serving a mission in California.
Overall, it was a good day.
We were even blessed with really delicious cookies that evening from someone we love (they really hit the spot).
(Joel is the second from the left)
We got home from my parent's house and Bryce started throwing up.
Happy Mother's Day!
He continued to throw up all night long...but Josh, being the awesome guy that he is, got up with Bryce over and over so that I could try to sleep. I was really grateful.
Sadly, that meant that I wasn't able to attend Parker's Wheeler Farm school field trip today and I was disappointed about that (Parker didn't care at all), this is the first Wheeler Farm trip I have missed with our kids. Oh well, c'est la vie!
Overall, it was a fabulous day spent with the people I love most and that was a great blessing.