Once upon a weekend....

It came to my attention this weekend that although we have 5,841,287 lego pieces, we only had two lego people (I know this because the boys have been fighting over those two guys all weekend long).

On further investigation,

I found that someone (probably the two year old) has
been pulling the hands, arms, heads etc off all the guys and depositing the minuscule pieces
back into the box of legos.


I decided to find all the lego people pieces and put them back together.

How hard could that be?


three and a half hours later
after two episodes of "Say Yes to the Dress"
and one ULTRA lame movie (but it had Mathew Mcconaughey so I suffered through)

I had a pile of arms and hands and heads and an intense hatred of tiny lego parts.

However, mission accomplished because I found enough bits to piece together 15 lego guys.

I hope the boys take care of them because I am

doing that again.....

I think.
On a much less tedious note
(ok, ok, I am actually really grateful for a massive pile of legos, they are wonderful for the kid's creativity and my boys spend hours building awesome things with them)
we got a new (to us) couch this weekend.
I feel very grateful.
We have kind of needed a new couch for a while
(our previous living room couch I inherited by doing some work at a church that was going to be remodeled in our last ward...eight years ago...the old couch had been the church foyer couch, not the prettiest, but free and we needed it so it was a huge blessing). Our old couch was pretty worn...who wouldn't be after eight years of children on top of who knows how many years of dedicated service in a church foyer.
Last Friday, a friend posted on facebook that she was taking her couch to DI unless anyone wanted it.
I jumped on that (does that make me greedy, what if someone else didn't have a couch at all...too late now I guess)
It is flowery (not my favorite) but MUCH less ugly than our last couch.
Beggars can't be choosers.
It is SUPER soft and comfortable,
and we love it.
I am grateful for a Heavenly Father who knows our needs
our wants and lets us be blessed by the incredible people around us.

It is nice to remember how much God loves us, after all we are his kids, and he wants us to be happy. We really do have a great family.


For years I would always throw away those little Lego pieces the boys left laying around the house. I felt it was only just because they had a habit of becoming embedded in my feet and...well, you get the picture.

Then one day I went shopping with the "Little Lady" and found out just how much those silly things cost. So ended the depositing of Legos in the trash...now I make special trips to the Lego bucket to put them back in circulation.

Congrats on recovering all the little guys. Their souls are singing because they are assembled once again.

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