Monday, September 20, 2010

A Black and White Weekend -- Which is Better Than a Black and Blue One

This past weekend, we got to take a short trip to East Canyon Resort.  It is always so much fun to get away for a few days, and we love this place.  My parents have a timeshare there, so we get to go a couple of times a year and we always look forward to it.  The leaves in the canyon were changing and it was a gorgous drive, and a very peaceful weekend.

Here are some snippets of the fun we had...
(Our oldest boys looking all Zen)

(Our middle boys enjoying nature...and the park)
(Our girls...aren't they gorgeous!!!) (That was a rhetorical question)
(My man...what a looker, and he's a great dad too.  He wasn't even phased when some strange kid that was playing with our children in the pool threw up while climbing on him...go ahead and be jealous ladies)
It was a great weekend.  We were all refreshed and rejuvenated when it was time to come home.  We're already looking forward to next year.
Happy Last Few Days of Summer to All!!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun weekend!! It's so nice to get away once in a while :)
