A Sad Story

Once upon a time...a long, long time ago in a faraway land...
Ok, not in a faraway land.
In a super close land that greatly resembles here, in fact, come to think of it, it is identical to here.
Anyway, once upon a time...a long long time ago
there used to be a magical and well loved season called
And then, there wasn't. 
And Melissa was sad because it used to be her favorite season
when it used to exist.
And now it is nearly October and where the heck has it gone?
Who knows.
It abandoned her and she is sad and wants it to come home.
Boo hoo!

The End.

(This has nothing to do with fall, but it's my blog and I can post this if I want to.  I guess there are a couple of yellowing leaves in the background so maybe it does apply after all.)


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