Tiger Mom

Last week I read the controversial "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother."

I thought I was going to relate to this woman.  I thought I would understand her motives.  I expect a lot of my children (relatively speaking) and I do believe in strict rules and good solid discipline (at least in my own way). 

I am a plush feather bed of momness compared to the author of this book.

My goodness.  What a book.  What a mom (in the loosest sense of the word).  The stories this lady told of her parenting were appalling.  I was completely shocked by some of the things that she thought were encouraging or motivational. 

However, I did come away from it feeling like I am a total hero as a mother.  So, if you need a parenting pat on the back, go ahead and jump into this story (if you want to borrow the book, just you let me know...although I don't really recommend it).  You will feel better about yourself.  I can almost guarantee it. 


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