ABCs in the Village
Having kids around the house is fabulous. Their happiness at simple things and just plain love of life is contagious, and sometimes I need that boost. I'm really grateful to be a mom (but I could do without the laundry!).
They say it takes a village to raise a child (or in my case half a dozen of them...children, not villages) and I have to tell you, I have the best village in the world. There are so many incredible people around us that help us and our little sprites along the way. We have several cute grandma ladies that have adopted our children and made them feel important that they BEG to ride bikes to their houses regularly. We have amazing ward members that quietly step in during church meetings to be sure we have what we need (Josh had to work this Sunday and I felt incredibly blessed by all those that willingly came to my rescue). I am humbled by those that help my family in every possible way (thanks to you orange envelope dropper, whoever you are).
Life is never easy (at least not for long -- seems like when things are going really smoothly you can bet that God is letting you rest up for a strengthening exercise he has in store for you). 2011 has not been my favorite year ever, and yet I wouldn't trade it. It seems like thing after thing after thing has fallen in our laps this year (did I mention our stove/oven stopped working last night...I just had to laugh, we'll try to fix it today, wish us luck). But I have also been blessed to see the love of people around us and to feel the strength and trust of God in our lives.
Through it all I am surrounded by a little gaggle of people that make life's hurdles worth every moment. I hope that through all of life's messes you are surrounded by people that bring smiles to your heart as well.