Teusday Morning Musings...

Ways I Would Dispose of Disposable Income if I Had Any:
1. Buy more shoes
2. Buy LOTS more books (and not the used ones I normally get from DI, but brand spanking new ones from a store that only sells books)
3. World Peace (can you buy that?...maybe I'd get a new car instead)

Things I Wish I Could Make But Have Been Too Lazy To Learn To Do:
1. Those baby blankets with the cute crocheted fringe on the edges
2. Bread
3. Scented Candles (Ok, I bet I could figure that out, but I couldn't think of a third thing really fast so there you go)

Things I Hope To Do Before I Die:
1. See all my children happily grown and enjoying families of their own.
2. Kiss the Blarney stone (yup, I want to hang over the edge of the castle and everything, no worries, Josh will hold my ankles)
3. See an opera, any opera (except not a German one, that language sounds like yelling to me no matter what they are saying...sorry, no offense Germany)...but Josh refuses to go with me and I don't want to go alone so that one may be tougher than it sounds.

The Best Choices I Ever Made:
1. Living true to my beliefs as a member of my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
2. Marrying Josh (he's super awesome!)
3. Having kids (even when they are a nightmare, I wouldn't want life without them)

Things I'm Glad Someone Invented:
1. Vacuum cleaners
2. Memory foam
3. Fingernail clippers

Things I Gave Up When I Had Kids:
1. Some of my favorite music (I love hard rock, but the lyrics and tone aren't always great for kids so I stopped listening to it when my son was born and I have NEVER regretted that choice-- no worries, I love lots of other music too so it has worked out beautifully).
2. Sleep (I imagine when they are all teenagers I will get that back and them feel frustrated that they never stop sleeping, but not for now).
3. Myself...Not entirely, of course.  I am still me, but having kids does mean you need to shelve your own needs and desires.  Some days that is hard, but my kids mean the world to me and putting aside what I want so I can give them what they need is a great blessing in my life...I needed a bit less selfishness anyway.

Reasons I am Grateful I Wasn't Born 200 Years Ago:
1. I can't stand being dirty (not for long anyway)...dirty hands DRIVE ME CRAZY!
2. I would have died in childbirth as my first son's birth was a bit of a mess that could have killed me in the year 2000 and would definitely have killed me in the 1800's.
3. I am a wimp...there's not much more to say about that, I just am.
4. (It's my list, I a can have a #4 if I want to) I HATE cooking with modern appliances, I can't imagine having to spend hours doing it over a fire every day...YUCK!

Reasons I am Glad to be Alive:
1. My family
2. There are just so many fabulous books to read
3. If I was dead worms would eat me.


Morris Family said…
Sorry to disappoint you in thinking the sleep will return when your kids are teenagers, but by then you will be waiting up for them to return home!
Melissa DeMoux said…
I hadn't thought of that. Darn!

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