Sock it to me
Yesterday I was folding socks. I don't love folding socks but it has to be done. I had a large basket of single socks in the living room (a large basket because I tend to put off folding socks until someone complains that they don't have any anymore...maybe I wouldn't hate it so much if I did it more often so there weren't so many socks to fold).
Anyway, I had to leave the room for a minute to help Gavin with something and when I came back my sock basket was empty. I have always heard of socks that get up and wander away on their own (hence they end up without matches in a sad little pile in my laundry room) but this isn't quite what I expected.
Sweet little Ellie had collected all of the socks (some folded, some not) and shoved them all in my top drawer. She was trying to help put them away. What a sweetheart. It made me smile. Lets hope this helpful streak lasts another oh say 18 years. Anyway, what a cutie.
FYI after digging all the socks out of the drawer (and wrestling around with a giggling baby girl in the process) I no longer had the umph to fold them all so Ellie and I put away the folded ones and I still have a bunch of matchless foot attire in the basket waiting for the inevitable clean sock draught in a few days...then we'll do it all over again. Yuck! Still, it's a lot better with an adorable helper.