Minor Miracles: Miracles relating to my minors

This past week I had a follow up visit with my GI doctor.  I got some test results from my colonoscopy last week. Thankfully, I get to start tapering down my dosage of the corticosteroid I am on (which is good because I don't really care to be on a steroid).  That stuff is pretty tough. I missed taking it one morning (that happens sometimes when you get busy with kids) and I ended up with a horrible migraine that evening. My GI said that this drug can cause major problems and even sometimes death to people who suddenly stop taking it completely (not usually after only having been on it for a week, but it really IS tough stuff).  Thankfully it has really helped calm my abdominal pain already so I guess I can't hate it all the way.

Anyway, the GI lady I was seeing (she and my doctor work closely together) was getting ready to write out prescriptions for what I need when she suddenly stopped and asked how old I was.  I told her 33 (because I am honest and not sad about my age...yet).  She bit her lip and said maybe they would need to consider some different drugs because I was still young and in my child bearing years.  I smiled at her and told her that I had six children and my husband and I decided (or should I say felt prompted) that our family is full.
Back in the old days when I was pregnant.

She just smiled slightly and said that was good because apparently some of the drugs that will be best for treating my version of Crohn's disease will increase my chances of infertility and severe birth defects.  They could use other treatments, but I guess they wouldn't work quite as cleanly.

That is miraculous to me.  Josh and I always felt strongly when it was time for us to bring another soul into our family, just like we felt strongly when our family was complete.  We didn't know what life had in store for us, but God did.  He helped our family get to the point where we didn't have to worry about interactions with budding lives when I started Crohn's treatments.

I know we all have struggles and things in life don't always work out the way we would like, but it is so comforting to see these miraculous moments show up every now and then that remind us that God loves us and that he can see the big picture even when we can't.

If Josh and I had been left to our own devices we probably would not have had our children quite so close together (20-24 months distance between them...not the closest ever, but still pretty close).  We probably would not have had six children either.  Thankfully, God let us in on a bit of His plan for us and I LOVE the outcome.  I feel grateful that we successfully got our children here and had time to feel that our family was done so that Crohn's disease wouldn't cause one more hiccup in our lives.

I head back to the doctor again in another month so I'll have some time for this new stuff to kick in.  Hopefully things in my GI track will be even better by then.  That's my plan, we'll see how it goes.


Daley Family said…
It's always nice when you can see God's hand in your life. It's reminders like these that help you through all the struggles. You are an inspiration Melissa, especially in the way that you handle challenges.
Corinne said…
It really matters to be able to see God's hand in things. Matters a lot :)

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