Pushing Pills (down my throat)

These are the pills that I have to take every morning (those blue ones tend to get stuck going down...they are the devil).

These are the pills that I have to take every night before I go to bed.

I feel like an old lady.  Aren't old people the only ones who have to take piles of medications to keep them running on a daily basis.  Guess not.

Dr. Seuss has this fabulous book called "You're Only Old Once" that has a fun section about taking mountains of meds every day when you are aged and decrepit.  He pokes fun at taking a blue pill to remind you to take a red pill as well as a bit that reads something like "this purple pill is what I take if I should die before I wake" (you know Dr. Seuss, the man was brilliant and hilarious).  Anyway, that's about what I feel like anymore.

The morning pills are mostly the ones that keep my colon in check.  The evening pills are mostly vitamins and supplements because my body just doesn't absorb what it needs from food thanks to Crohn's. 

One side affect of Crohn's is weight loss.  Sounds nice, except that it is coupled with malnutrition which is not so nice.  I just have to find balance (it's always nice to shed a few unwanted pounds, but who wants to waste away to nothing).

Anyway, just thought I'd share.  I wonder how many people out there take more pills than my little pile just because they believe in supplements for regular health reasons?  My brother works for Usana and I know they sell vitamins in pre-packaged packets to swallow morning and night so really my little pill offering probably isn't all that outstanding.

Still, for me, it's an exciting -- and growing -- cocktail.


Paula said…
Blech, I hate swallowing pills! I hope all this pill swallowing helps you feel better!

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