
I love bandaids.  (They fix the world!)

They save the day at our house on a regular basis.  We buy LOTS of bandaids because I let the kids slap them on any owie to make it feel better (I have even given bandaids for headaches and stomach aches). 

Don't get me wrong, I don't tell my kids that bandaids will make aches and pains vanish, but if they are hurting in any way and they ask for one I am going to give it to them.  It just makes them feel better.  You can't beat this cure especially when it only costs 99 cents for 60 of them. 

I was thinking last night that I guess I am not really that much different than my little ones.  When life gets rough I sometimes find a bandaid to help me feel better (not a plastic sticky one, but a metaphorical one).

For example, last week was a hard one (that seems to have happened off and on lately...but no more, soccer season is over...HOORAY!).  My Crohn's was crohnsing so I was pretty miserable for a few days and since Josh was still coaching soccer he was gone until late at night not to mention he had to head straight into college work once he got home every evening.  So between the normal dinners and homework and piano lessons and then added dance classes and scouts and sports and friends I felt stretched very thin. 

My bandaid came in the form of a sweet lady in my ward (I wonder what a bandaid with her face on it would look like? know, like Snoopy or Smurf bandaids).  Out of the blue she just called and asked if she could bring dinner in one night.  She had no idea the kind of week we had had.  She had no idea how tired I was and how worn out I felt. But she slapped herself on my owie and I felt better. 

I guess we all just need a bandaid sometimes.


Corinne said…
#1. How can your soccer season be over when mine is just starting? ACK!

#2. How did I NOT remember that Josh served in my favorite city? Was he IN the city? I love that :)

#3. Thanks for stopping by - it always makes my day :)

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