Singin' in the mall (and the streets of West Valley)

After watching her brothers participate in sports and more sports for years, this year we finally put Aubrey in a class of her own.  We've let her do community education classes before, but lets face it, a six week dance class for kids age 3- 14 is not going to be a super awesome experience. 

So this fall we enrolled her in Miss Margene's Creative Generation musical theatre show choir.  The group sings and dances and is a lot of fun and Aubrey LoVeS it!  We love watching her learn and grow and have so much fun and we especially love that Margene is so sweet and amazing with these kids.  We trust her with our little girl because she cares for her "little angels" in a way that feels more like family than a dance group.  She is an incredible woman and we are grateful to have her in our daughter's life.

So, this weekend was the group's first of a bazillion holiday performances (I may not love trotting from venue to venue the entire month of December, but for Aubrey it will be worth it!). The group sang in the West Valley City day after Thanksgiving Christmas parade and then performed in Valley Fair Mall.

Marching in the parade.
Ellie had the time of her life waving at all the passing
cars and people.  She got TONS of individual attention
from color guard and firemen and the WVC mayor
who singled her out and waved directly at her.  What a ham!
(She gets that from her father).

Who is that most adorable little elf that you've ever seen in the road?  Oh yeah, that's my girl.

Performing in the mall.

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Ellie was with us at the performance and she sidled right up to Margene throughout the show.  She literally screamed bloody murder when I tried to pull her away since Margene was trying to help the kids remember to smile and help the little ones remember their parts.  Ellie has a new friend for life, guess we'll have to join her up in a few years.

Here's an exciting snippit of the performance to welcome in the Christmas season.  Have a wonderful holiday everyone.  Merry Christmas.


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