Margene's Nutcracker 2015
Last week was our annual dance performance of The Nutcracker.
Aubrey has been a part of this production for the last four years (this is her fifth), but this year Ellie started dance so my baby girl joined her big sister in the fun.
Because the girls are part of the group's musical theater class as well as dance, they performed in the pre-show singing Christmas songs for an audience of parents and friends.
(FYI: musical theater is my favorite.)
We had one Nutcracker performance on Friday night that went fairly late, which meant that come the Saturday afternoon show some people were a little less cooperative and a little more ornery than usual.
Oh well.
Other people were pretty much their regular selves.
Ellie danced in the Sugar Plum world as one of the Puffoon children, spending part of the time hiding in her mother's clutch. It was really cute and she had a great time.
Aubrey's class did a Flower Waltz this year and it was lovely. Aubrey has come a long way as a dancer and I love watching her and seeing the growth she has worked to achieve. She is a sweetheart and a kind mentor to her baby sister and I am grateful we have her around.
Following our Saturday Nutcracker gig we booked it home to eat and then after a quick change of clothes we schlepped the girls off to the Festival of Trees where they had another musical theater performance that night. December is always dotted with trips to nursing homes, care centers, festivals and parties where our girls get to perform. I greatly appreciate the chance they have to do something scary, be in front of people, smile and sing and try to brighten the lives of those around them.
Plus, I love to watch them.
Sometimes it gets a bit crazy, but the experience my little ones gain is well worth the scheduling drama and driving to all corners of the valley.