Confessions of a Closet Hermit

I love being a mom.
From the time I was little, it was one of the only things that I wanted out of life.
I love to be around children, mine in particular (well, most of the time).
On the other hand, I really struggle being around adults. I feel awkward and disjointed and I don't know how to talk to them. Things never seem to come out of my mouth the way they were put together in my head. I know I am a complete dork (and I am VERY ok with that, I have always been socially clumsy and have had lots of years to come to terms with that). I could very easily hole up in my house and live a hermit like life. I would be very happy in a sweet country home, miles from my next neighbor (however, Josh would shrivel up and die so we won't be doing that any time soon).
I am in awe of people who are at ease in a group. My husband is like that. I love that in social settings I can kind of bask in his shadow and just enjoy his easy way with people (ok, except for the parts where he says things that embarrass me which happens pretty regularly...I am easily embarrassed though so that is my own issue).
I do love people.
I want to be able to talk to them and help them see that I care about them.
Hopefully, my inept conversationalism doesn't block all of that. I am very grateful for written language because I am much more comfortable with that and have been saved on several occasions by it.
My ineptitude in this department is bothersome, at the very least. But it does make me very very grateful for good friends, people who are patient with me and help me feel not quite so ridiculous.
So, thanks.
Thanks for taking me in and chuckling quietly instead of bursting in to uproarious laughter when I speak. I am grateful. It helps me keep my hermitness to a minimum.


Ok, I would NEVER have guessed that you are this way. In fact, I beg to differ that you are quite the opposite. You shine in groups and manage conversations so well. You had me fooled!!! :)
P.S. and the mom part... you are definitely a pro! One of the best I know.
I agree with Lynds, I would have guessed the opposite of you! I know how you feel though! Scott and I are so extremely shy, being in any social settings really puts us out of our comfort zone. We are much more comfortable just being home and connecting with others through FB and blogs lol
Melissa DeMoux said…
Oh, if you guys only knew...this is why blogging in so up my alley!
Tara said…
I could have written this post! Except of course the part about living in the middle of nowhere. Because coupled with my social anxiety, I have a fear of being alone, especially at night...go figure! :) But I have to back up the others and say that you don't appear to be at all awkward in social situations, you hide it well! I would say I put you to shame in the saying awkward/foolish/weird things category. I almost never have a social interaction that I don't have to cringe later at the things I say. And you know the truth of this after having to see me at assorted functions over the past years...I still feel embarrassed when I think about a few different things I said at YW activities. Oh well, I would rather people think I'm weird or lacking in intelligence than some other less desirable traits...

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