We Love Ellie From the Inside Out
Tomorrow, the kids go back to school.
So, tonight, Josh gave each of them a back-to-school priesthood blessing. This is something that we all look forward to every year.
When it was my turn, Josh started the blessing. Elinor, who had been fussy all day, crawled over to me and wanted up on my lap. So, I picked her up. Josh was in the middle of the blessing when suddenly Ellie started throwing up all over me...over and over and over again. Somehow, Josh didn't hear what was going on. How often do you have the need to tap your husband's hands that are resting on your head and say, "Honey, I need you to stop because I need some help here." I was a sticky, gross mess. Yum!! Normally Josh does the puke clean up in our house (so that I don't add to the mess), I guess Ellie wanted to be sure I cleaned this one up because she covered me, but didn't get anything anywhere else. I couldn't help but burst out laughing, which got all the other kids laughing too.
A couple of other kids have had this 24 hour bug, thankfully it seems to come and go very quickly. It had made for a pretty exciting weekend here at our house.
So, we got Ellie all cleaned up, gave her a bath (which she loved) and put her in her jammies. She is a much happier little girl and seems to feel much better. I hope this bug has now worked it's way through everyone that is going to get it so we can move on happily, and puke free!
Happy Back To School!