Bryce's Final Pack Meeting

This wonderful cake was made by Mike and Angela Daley
and Bryce felt like the star of the evening because of their
kind attention.  Thanks you two.
Last week Bryce (and the rest of our family) attended his final pack meeting as a cub scout.  Bryce turned 11 in June and this pack meeting he was to receive his Arrow of Light award.  The Arrow of Light is cub scouts highest award and is the only award that is carried on to be worn on the boy scout shirt as well (proud mom here!). 

Our stake is blessed to have a big scouter who puts on an incredible production for boys when they receive their Arrow of Light and it was really neat to watch Bryce be a part of that.

I am a HUGE advocate for scouting, I think it is a great way to shape young men into something incredible and I am very grateful for the leaders and teachers who have worked so hard to help my boy succeed.  He has done a great job and I hope he will keep it up as he heads down this road toward Eagle Scout. 
The incredible set up to present Bryce with his Arrow of Light. 

Bryce getting ready to pin on my mother's pin...I love that the scout organizations recognize the efforts that moms make in helping their boys achieve success.

Bryce being welcomed into the boy scout troop by our awesome scout master.
 After the Arrow of Light program, the kids all got to participate in a bike safety activity that was really fun as well.  It was a wonderful evening for everyone.
Bryce and Logan shredding up the safety course.

Gavin and Parker.

Good-bye to pack meeting until PJ starts his scouting adventure at the start of next year.  We have four boys to help along the way so scouting will be a regular part of our lives for many years to come, and that is a good thing.


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