Bryce shines on an October weekend

This past weekend was a busy one for us.  Aside from Logan's baptism (hooray!!), we had a few other events and  a couple of big ones related to our oldest son, Bryce.

On Thursday and Friday, Bryce performed with the school orchestra in a Disney oriented evening hosted by the choral, instrumental, and dance groups at the high school.

I took the family on Friday so we could support our brother/son and spend some time enjoying music (and, let's be honest, an evening of Disney is probably more enticing to small people than a regular, classical orchestral performances).  

Bryce's group performed two pieces and they sounded really great.  This video does not really do them justice (that's what happens when you sit at the very back of the auditorium so you have quick access to bathrooms for small people who will need them) but you can get a taste of the impressive talent of these young people.

Then, on Saturday, Bryce spent the bulk of the day at a debate tournament.  Sparked by his father's involvement in debate last year (Josh was the debate coach for one year before they learned his degree didn't qualify him to coach debate) Bryce joined the team this fall and has participated in two tournaments thus far.  

His first tournament, he managed a second place finish in his event (spar).  He and the first place winner actually tied by points but the decision was given to his opponent.

This latest tournament, Bryce competed in Lincoln/Douglas with an unexpected, momentary appearance in policy (because someone's partner didn't come).  

And this time around Bryce earned a first place finish in novice Lincoln/Douglas.  

Way to go, kid!

We are pretty pleased that he is putting effort into these events and working to improve himself and grow in his new found talent.  I look forward to watching him develop this skill and work to be his best as he plunges into this new world of words and ideas.


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