Good-Bye tax refund, Hello car payment

Last fall our trusty window swamp cooler bit the dust.  It was in rough shape when we moved in nearly eight years ago, and its number was finally called.  We knew we would need to do something to combat the stifling dry heat of our Utah summers, so we planned to use our tax refund to install air conditioning (Oh, the luxury!!).

So, today about 11:30 the guys from Whipple showed up to install our fancy new unit (ok, it isn't fancy to anyone but me, I am easily impressed).

About the same time this morning, I got a call from the transmission place that was working on a $250 simple repair on the van.  Unfortunately, when they removed the oil pan to dig in to the system they found some tiny bits of metal that used to be attached to the transmission.  The problem was very hidden, but much worse than they originally thought (these guys are very good, they felt awful that they didn't find this at first but said the transmission fluid looked and smelled fine and the car drove alright so this sneaky problem was nearly impossible to see).

The van needs a new transmission.  The problem is that to replace the transmission costs about the same amount that the van is worth.  Yikes!

So, it looks like we will need to look for a different car for Josh.  This is NOT what we had in mind.  Josh's teacher salary, plus that from his part time job help us manage, but they don't leave much (if any) fluff money.  I'm not quite sure how this is going to play out.

That said, I know that something will work out.  We try really hard to be frugal and live within our means even though it isn't always easy for us (or anybody else for that matter, we know we are not special in this venue.  Everyone has to deal with this stuff, it's called life.).  We faithfully pay our tithing and while that is no guarantee against hardships, it is a comfort to know we have done all that we can to secure God's help in the matter.

When it comes down to it, I am really grateful that this is happening now instead of three months ago (that would have been a gigantic mess).  We have managed to stash away a bit of money since Christmas so we aren't totally without savings (not enough for a car, but every little bit helps right).  We are doing the best that we can and somehow, God will help us through it.  I don't know how (that's the frustrating/annoying part for my type A personality), but He has never let us down before, and I don't expect He will start now. 

Guess we'll see what happens.  At least we will be cool while we are worrying.  That's something, right?


Brian Whitmer said…
I guess the consolation prize is that you'll probably qualify for a $20,000 loan... seems like even if the monthly payment is more than your salary, banks will still approve you for the loan...
Well, you still have access to our truck.... for as long as you need it. I know it isn't perfect but it will buy you some time as you get ready to go deeply into debt. :-)
not fun :( We are trying to figure out what to do for car situations ourselves. Necessary evils they are!

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