Holy Chocolate, Batman
Easter Saturday I was exhausted. That may have something to do with the fact that the Easter Bunny visits our house Saturday morning which I suddenly remembered at 11:30 Friday night. All the Easter goodies and plastic eggs were still nestled in their packages in Walmart sacks. Yikes!
Anyway, we got it covered, but I was pretty tired the next afternoon. Josh was a sweetheart and volunteered to let me have a nap (it is impossible for both of us to nap at the same time because some child will inevitably have an emergency that requires a parent -- like a broken toy or lost shoe -- so one parent has to run interference so the other can sleep).
Anyway, I was just drifting into dreamland when I felt someone tapping my face (someone slipped past Josh's defences). I opened my bleary eyes to find my three year old standing by the bed.
He whispered so he wouldn't wake me up, "Mom, where's my Jesus chocolate?"
Anyway, we got it covered, but I was pretty tired the next afternoon. Josh was a sweetheart and volunteered to let me have a nap (it is impossible for both of us to nap at the same time because some child will inevitably have an emergency that requires a parent -- like a broken toy or lost shoe -- so one parent has to run interference so the other can sleep).
He whispered so he wouldn't wake me up, "Mom, where's my Jesus chocolate?"
Now, you have to understand we have been trying to help our kids remember and focus on the real reason for Easter, not just the eggs and treats. It is a tough balance because, of course, kids love eggs and treats!
So, I guess to some degree Logan got the message because when he wanted his missing Easter candy he knew it was candy about Jesus.
I got a good laugh out of that, and it warmed my heart just a smidge too. Then I went back to sleep.